
This section will be updated overtime. Shift thru all these folders to find anything that peaked your interest by using the buttons on the left sidebar, or just simply scroll down.


Internet Archive Library Free access to various books!
Two-Digit Athenaeum Free access to various books (in Russian)! I also stole the 3d book model from this site woops.
Big Nate Comics Big Nate comic strips archive (yes, I count comics as literature).
Big Bad Wolf ID I get my foreign books through this expo.
Project Multatuli "Serving the Marginalized" I go to them for news on commonly sidelined topics, on marginalized regions and people.
1965-1966 Genocide Library Massive online archive dedicated to reveal the truth behind the 1965-1966 genocide, one of Soeharto's biggest sins.
Tempo Magazine Best Indonesian news outlet imo, specially for their Indo politics coverage.
Literary Base The hub of Indonesian Twitter literature community.
Neo Historia Indonesia Bite-sized history lesson (in Indonesian).
Text Files Ancient Digital Manuscripts.


Twitter @sumarsih11 The pioneer of the Kamisan/Thursday Action itself.
Aksi Kamisan Centralised Instagram account for the Thursday Action (their Twitter got "mysteriously" suspended).
Jakartanicus Regular streams of various political discussions, and the Thursday Action.
Dirty Vote Documentary of the recent election, investigating corruption and fraud within it.
Bijak Memilih Simple site to get started to learn about the 2024 election candidates, parties and individuals.
1997-98 kidnappings Another one of Soeharto's and Prabowo's (and other politicians) sins.
Eksil Film dedicated to the exiles during the 1965-1966 genocide, another one of Soeharto's sins.
KontraS They document and handles various human rights violations caused by the Indonesian govt.


Official Spurs Website Best football club (they're the embodiment of pain, send help).
r/coys COME ON YOUR SPURS!!!!! Pretty sure the one reason this news outlet is popular for us is because of Alasdair Gold.
Full Match Sports That UCL match in 17 April 2019 was so good I had to download the full match to rewatch over and over.
r/FootballHighlights Another place to request for full matches + highlights.
Cartilage Free Captain The one Spurs blog I used to frequently visit.
THFC Flags Tifos worth donating to.


Steampunkary Ideas and references for steampunk clothes.
Artists Base The hub for Indo artists on Twitter.
Gachaxpompom Images of various gachapons.
Grafix Gallery Collection of vintage posters.
Type Design School Free typography lessons to get started.
The Ipsum Collection My go-to site to help me fill a page to test web layouts.
Lospec A site I found when I used to visit r/pixelart often.
Open Drawing Books More free books!!! Art-related books!!
Character Design References Known better as "that Twitter account who posts character designs from other shows".

Entertainment all Netflix shows and various cartoons in one place + subtitles, good shit.
bilibili @ACICFG Mayday Air Crash Investigation episodes subbed by yours truly.
Weibo @ACICFG Same thing as above but they might release it faster here.
Gramatik My kind of music producer, really.
.Feast Music charged with political content (yes that's all I'm hearing them for).
Simply Aviation Airline review videos, my kind of content.
ATLA ID Google Drive When Indo dubbing was peak, I'm glad it happened for ATLA.


r/FMHY Various kinds of tools and things, FOR FREE!! HECK YEAHHHH
RuTracker The last place to look for things, though I only knew this as another place to look for more full football matches.
Vocal Remover Quick tool to remove vocals in music.
Lunapic Online image editor, just in case I'm too lazy to open another software.